There are numerous varieties in accounting jobs. You will be quite aware of the fact that every company needs an accountant to handle their finances. A multinational company will have a whole department dedicated to accountants where as a small enterprise will have to do with just one or may be a couple of accountants. However the fact remains that a company cannot function without accountants. This calls for a huge career opportunity in being an accountant. Experts are of the opinion that this industry will keep growing manifolds in years to come and that pursuing a degree in accounting is a very wise decision today. Read on to find out the top 10accounting job opportunities which are only expected to increase in times to come.1) Federal Government Accountants: Getting into a government job is indeed both a respectable and responsible position. The reasons include better job security and perks. There are time to time vacancies for government accounting jobs. Make sure you give it your best shot.2) Postal Service Accountants: Postal services are spread over the globe. It is one of the biggest networks ever. The service keeps looking for accountants from time to time. The pay is usually good and you will be very satisfied working as a postal service accountant.3) Certified Personal Accountants: Of all the accounting careers this is the one which is catching the trend at a steady pace. Once you qualify as a certified personal accountant you can handle several clients all at once. You can actually be your own boss and choose how much of work load you prefer and when. This is indeed a job which gives you wings to freedom.4) Tax auditors: Taxes are a very important both on the part of the government and the masses. Tax auditors are thus a very important asset to the society. Make a career as a tax auditor and you will be sure of earning a handsome living.5) Tax preparers: Handling all your tax returns on your own is not child play. You need an expert if you do not want to end up on paying more taxes than you actually should be paying. Tax preparers are professionals who look into your tax issues and help you save the maximum possible.6) Bookkeepers: Do not get confused about the role of a bookkeeper. Their job centres on maintaining accurate records of financial data. It might range from info on payment, income, sales and purchase.7) Payroll managers: Big corporate offices require many payroll managers to take care of their employees payrolls. It is indeed a very demanding job these days.8) Management of enterprises: Accountants no more just stick to accounts. They are now being trusted with more responsible jobs like running a full company or enterprise.9) Local government auditors and accountants: A government job even local holds a great deal of value for accountants. One has a great deal to gain by being in one of these.10) State government auditors and accountants: There job responsibilities are similar to that of their local counterparts. However the benefits and perks are more lucrative.
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